Coaching and mentoring

Coaching - when you have a wish but you don't know how to fulfill it. We offer personal coaching for you as a leader, employee or private individual.
Coaching often includes some mental training and is about helping a person change and move in the desired direction.
Initially, a free reconciliation meeting is always offered with the aim of hearing what challenges and expectations you have and briefly explaining what coaching means and what the overall process looks like. The meeting is also an opportunity to feel whether there is personal chemistry and for you to ask questions and get a feel for who your coach is and can offer.
För dig som vill få ordentlig koll på din stress, återhämtning, sömn och träning kan vi erbjuda en grundlig mätning med Firstbeat. Vi går därefter igenom resultatet tillsammans och tar med dessa insikter i coachingen.
I videon nedan ser du en kort förklaring av hur det går till.
Coaching is a process for those of you who struggle with questions such as;
- What do I want?
- What is my next step?
- Why doesn't what I want to happen happen?
The coach helps you get from where you are today to where you want to be in the future. Together we create your plan, and you get support along the way from the coach who supports and helps deal with obstacles and identify necessary resources. Action and tasks are central in coaching. It is important for you as a client to achieve your goals, get past your limiting beliefs and test your perception and ideas about the world, other people and yourself.
The form of coaching takes place either physically, or online via Teams, Zoom or Google Meet.